Note: Mortgage Interest Rates initially quoted include a Promotional 0.25% Rate Discount1 for banking with OneAZ Credit Union. This discounted rate is contingent upon executing the applicable OneAZ Promotional Pricing Discount Agreement Form during the application process. If the OneAZ Promotional Pricing Discount Agreement Form is not executed during the application process, the Final Interest Rate will be updated to reflect the non-discounted interest rate.
Other Residential First Mortgage Loan Programs (not listed above) are also available, i.e., Affordable Housing Programs (AHP), Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Programs, 100% LTV Financing Programs, Construction Perm Loans, etc. Contact a OneAZ Mortgage Loan Originator to obtain additional information about these other options.
1 Conditions apply. Rates and terms are subject to change at any time. Interest Rate Discount is available on purchase and refinance loans. To qualify for the 0.25% Interest Rate Discount, you will need to agree to the following: Establish OneAZ Membership, open a OneAZ Checking Account establish monthly payroll Direct Deposit of $1,000 or more to a OneAZ Checking Account and set up monthly Auto Pay for this loan from the OneAZ Checking Account. The offer does not apply to FHA, VA or USDA mortgages.